Saturday, July 8, 2017

Is It Vintage or Antique?

What's the difference between vintage and antique? 
Are these vintage or antique? 
Folk Art Barn in Goodson Vintage Treasures
at Just Around the Corner in Lincolnton, NC. 
Thumb oil cans in Goodson Vintage Treasures 
at Just Around the Corner in Lincolnton, NC. 

I've been asked this question many times, and it's something I've thought about a great deal. Since my business name is Goodson Vintage Treasures and my soon to be functional Etsy shop will be Vintage by Goodson ( long story but my original business name to is too long for Etsy).  Is "vintage" just old and "antique" just really old? 

At the shop where I have my booths, they define antique as 50+ years old and vintage as 25-50 years. I think that's a good place to start. 

The terms are really relative to where you live also. In the eastern  half of the United States you tend to find things that are much older than the western half. But in England they laugh at 50 years being an antique since they have buildings and items centuries old. In that perspective I think an object would need to be at least 100 years old.

The value of an item also determines whether something is merely old or an antique. A beautiful 100 year old, oak dresser or vanity is definitely an antique. But if it is beat up or has been ruined by water it may be completely worthless.

Antique Dresser in a Booth at Just Around the Corner in Lincolnton, NC.

Of course, your age also affects how you perceive the age of an object. When I seen items that I received as a wedding gift 46 years ago labeled as an "antique" I get a funny feeling. Like I'm getting really old feeling. The adding machine is just like one my mom used when I was growing up, and my husband and I received a piece of this glass new when we were married.

Fron a booth 
at Just Around the Corner in Lincolnton, N

Fron a booth 
at Just Around the Corner in Lincolnton, NC. 

Toys are an area that reflect this. I view toys of my mom's era, 1930s, as antique. I'm not sure at age 90 she appreciates that though. My son, age 45, views toys of my era, 1950's, as antique. But I often see Star Wars toys in antique stores like he had as a child. 

I'm calling this tin top vintage. 

So as a rule of thumb I'm going with my store owners definition of "antique" and "vintage". Even though sometimes it hurts a bit. Remember, just buy what you love whether it's vintage or antique. Oh and by the way I think the first two photos are both vintage. 

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